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If you would like your tortoise couriered with our livestock courier, please select the livestock courier option for delivery & call to arrange a delivery date.

If you are happy to collect from us in South Devon, please call to make an appointment to collect.



Hatched 2023

Baby Horsfield tortoises

Fed on a weed based diet with supplements

£110 each when purchasing a complete setup from us (extra cost for setup from £199)

£140 each without buying setup from us but proof of setup required

COURIERED VIA LICENSED LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTERS FROM £75. Please call for a delivery quote and choose livestock courier option at checkout stage.




Name: Horsfield tortoise

Scientific name: Testudo horsfieldii

Lifespan: 80 + years

Length: 7 – 10 inches

Origin: Central Asia

Vivarium Size/Table Size: 3ft x 18" (hatchling) 5ft x 3ft Minimum (adult) Temperature gradient: 20 – 32°C

Humidity: 40 – 50%

Lighting: 6% UV

Feeding: Vegetation

Shopping list: Tortoise Table, Heat source, UVB Lighting, Light/heat fittings, Thermometer, Water bowl, Feeding slate, Substrate, Hide, Decor, Calcium and Multivitamin supplements, Cleaning Equipment, Cuttlefish bone.


Livestock courier & purchase info:

When purchasing a tortoise from The Tortoise Hut, you must choose the correct price band before adding to the cart, this is determined by whether a full setup is being purchased from The Tortoise hut or not. You must then choose the Livestock courier delivery option at checkout if you wish the tortoise to be delivered to you. Please call us on 07827224894 to arrange this before purchase. If you wish to collect from us in South Devon, please call us on 07827224894 to arrange an appointment to collect. If you are not purchasing a setup from the Tortoise Hut, we will require a photo of your setup with details of lighting and heating shown to us prior to the tortoise leaving us. We reserve the right to refuse sale of the tortoise if we believe the setup does not meet the tortoise's requirements. We recommend all new livestock should be quarantined before mixing with your existing livestock.

Please ensure you research the tortoise's requirements before you add them to the enclosure and contact us immediately if you have any queries regarding compatibility. We cannot be responsible if you add a different species to your existing livestock. If you have any issues or queries regarding the livestock received, please contact us immediately.



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